Surveys – Thorntons Survey Official

What is the questionnaire?

Today, every company wants to know the user opinion whether they are satisfied with their products or not. Thorntons Customer Satisfaction Survey It is an internet-based platform which provides many questions and ratings to guests and customers. be aware of their performance every month. The aim of conducting a is to improve the quality of services based on customer satisfaction. With the survey, customers can be as honest as they want and express their opinion on Thorntons. is very easy and everyone can take the survey just a few times. After participating in this Thorntons Guest Feedback Survey, participants can be entered into to win the Thorntons prize draw. If you think you’re not getting the kind of customer service you are entitled to as a consumer This survey is an ideal opportunity to let your concerns be known.

To show our appreciation for your feedback, you have an opportunity to win £1,000.

Learn more about it.

The winner will receive a reward for the Thorntons Survey

If you believe that taking this Customer Satisfaction Survey is a waste of time, then it’s not the case. Your comments would be very beneficial to the business.

After submitting your feedback, Thorntons will reward you with £1,000.

About Thorntons


Thorntons Limited is a British chocolate maker, established in 1911 by Joseph William Thornton and his father, in 1911. The company was bought by Ferrero, an Italian company Ferrero in June 2015 for PS112m.

Should be able to accept the rule of Thorntons survey

The following are rules you need to adhere to when taking part on the survey for customers.

  • For online participants for online users, a laptop, phone or computer are a must.
  • A device with internet access is essential.
  • Participants must be able to speak English as well as Spanish language.
  • Participants in the survey must be at minimum 18 years old.
  • Age should be 18 years or older in order to be eligible to participate in this survey online.
  • Now we will be seeking a step-by-step instruction to take part in this web-based survey.
See also Survey $500 Cash

Quick Guides

Then, you’ll be asked to give a score Thorntons service according to your most recent visit.

  1. Check your internet connection, use an internet-connected browser and go to an official Thorntons survey site on
  2. Start answering questions from surveys that show up in your computer screen.
  3. Answer all the survey questions genuinely on the scale of satisfied to dissatisfied.
  4. Based on your experience with Thorntons Rate your overall satisfaction.
  5. If you’ve answered all questions, you have to share your contact information.
  6. When you submit the survey, ensure that you are entering all of your personal details in a timely manner and correct. If not, the company wouldn’t notify you about the sweepstake reward winner.